TUiD & A Peace Office & The Escape!


"Get the fuck back here and sort this out!" 
"What out?"
"The bit about the way you investigate not by last location but by diagnosis...i ask you what on earth where you forget the line which said do both?"
"For fucks sake is that all this is about? You fucking shit me up you did you fuck twat!"
"So how many we got?"
"What do you mean?"
"How much in fighting is there?"
"Don't you dare jerk me around you know what I much of the rebellion is from inside..."
"Look...mate....i...can't...begin to explain what we've found has been going on!"
"Any chance of containing it?"
"Well we can't can we...look at what is spilling out..."
"Which means we've failed by context and where silence has been insisted?"
"Which means the full dynamic is not yet fully known?"
"Dynamic of who?"
"A very rich and dangerous paedophile who has gone around defending the right to pretend...trying to recreate families with strangers this is not just an illusionist this is dangerous"
"Has she continued to be stalked since she lived in the Kennington park? Someone shave and clean up their act but still clung to following her around because it seems like it doesn't....the ongoing screaming voices what is the motive apart from to pace up and down...because even I find it a bit weird that there has been a generation of neighbourhood problems especially when all you are doing most of the time is working or staying in house and the minute you go shopping they are still there to pounce and you gonna tell me its just by coincidence you happen to show ex amount years later in the area of another one of her addresses after she had already moved 2 time since...who exactly has this all been hiding..or who has always been steering because a stalker never just hits one person!"
"Its hard behind the lines. Especially if you are the only one in the family who has that job. But even worse if everyone is expected to fall in line behind you. There is somekind of professional 'mist' that falls in nothing else can remove the equation of them and us or retaliation of that...there has been a lack of care and understanding equally on both sides and i dare to say it needs adjusting and correcting. It needs courage to let go old stereotypes we have had of ourselves within the industry this is...and regarding what enforced secrecy does!"
"So face the fear it is then....every single last one of them?"
"Nah...better that every last one start from each and everyone that began each decision!"

Coarse Work: 
Whose escape is?
Who is the unidentified?