Unless Healed...CRF...pt 2


Incest has away of seeping into every area of your life, mind, and emotions. Personality disorders attached to it prolongs the suffering of others which flows out to the wider community. And if accepted erodes and changes society in general. Unannounced causing unseen unexpectedly animosity and inexplicable acts of hatred and ongoing unhealable pain. Incest has a footprint. Incest has a very big foot print which effects the economy lifestyle choices the atmosphere in very subtle ways leaving little trace and realisation of how its foot print has erased and projected life in all the wrong and right places, spaces, and in the body and minds of each generation and each race. It has left present an energy of confusion in society and confusion in the minds of many it has left and is leaving so much confusion in the minds of those trying to strive and achieve better than from whence they came!
Leaving many of us with misperceptions about status and wealth and in pain at having to re-live the hurt and pain of the abuse over and over again! Though even that can be healed by paying attention to where is has damage or injured the brain that way you can quite possibly switch off the constant repeated memories and pain!
In Gods Name Alone
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!