A Babbling Exorcism

He said; "He woke up drunk and found he'd been laid upon without his permission"

It was an expectation of terms expected to ensue him into manhood as he was expected to accept it.

A life time of unwanted 
Which was to leave him with an image of strength that would never be revealed as interrupted development  if society never found out the twisted feelings he had about himself.

Looked over and passed over in the midst of fun and jolly
Fashionable parodys which never revealed how he truly feels
No longer can hide from himself the truth about which he never wept
Until the next generation grew up and said you will never carry this on among we!

For we will fight and not necessarily by or with violence
For we understand our privilege of free will and free speech
We need not elect leaders
Because their is natural law that can guide us by
Bur if we so choose we may support leadership for the sake of what administration requires us too!

For we are not bled dry of neurological knowledge
We are aware of the distraction that abuse details to impair 
Whilst everyone will never be well which why we cannot yet state a non-violent state
We need not be afraid of our brains or what it cost maintain 
Because of our ancestors we need never be afraid
We need never be afraid to pay attention to the power of a damaged brain which if untreated can go on to steal the areas our minds need to function and behave

As for him up top as so written
He continued to live
But how many are like him?
Men raped by women
Young men living with the anger and after effects of their enforced first sexual experiences?
And what if they have found nowhere else to go are the clinging too?
Memories best forgotten when you are trying to free yourself too?

One abuser makes the other abuser if by the time you can say stop you know understand and continually make decisions to stop or contain excessive arousal away.

But what do you do when they turn up again because so long as there is none to tell or anywhere to go heal they will keep turning up again and again especially if their moving on was the ready waiting industry.

They'll turn up again to hate you especially if a stalker or troll has laid claim to yoy without health but only stealth.

Then God only knows how many will turn up ready and waiting as though your presence and your eyes are like a stage with camera and lights as they show up to act as...